
Sunday, April 18, 2010

Failure Isn’t God’s Rejection But God’s Redirection

Eagles are amazing parents.
I didn’t know how special their nest was for their babies.
To make it, Daddy Eagle picks up sturdy twigs and sharp thorns to build this special home. But to make the nest comfortable, he’ll cover the twigs and thorns with soft grass.
And here’s the amazing part: Mommy Eagle will pluck her own feathers from her breast! She’ll place them on the nest for added warmth and softness.
Many times a day, Mommy Eagle will fly out to look for food. She’ll fly back to put fish and other food into the open mouths of her hungry kids.
Because the nests are built on high rocky cliffs, winds are very strong. Whenever there’s a storm, Mommy Eagle covers them with her large wings.
The tiny eaglets live a pampered life.
Because every need is met by their loving parents.
But one day, it’s time to teach them how to fly.
And in an instant, their entire world changes.

(To continue reading Bo's inspiring article, click here.)

PS. Do you want to meet my Financial Mentors? If you want to grow in your financial abundance, my mentors and I are giving an intensive 2-day Financial Coaching Program on April 23 and 24. I’m personally inviting you to join us. There are a few seats left. For more details, click here.

PS2. Do you want to earn through the internet? My internet guru, Jomar Hilario, is giving a 2-day hands-on Internet Marketing Workshop on April 30 and May 1. For 2 days, you’ll be in front of a computer, working on your new income stream, under the guidance of Jomar Hilario. For details, click here.

PS3. Do you want to keep growing in your personal life? Receive a mountain of resources for your spiritual growth. Join my international, borderless, virtual, non-physical community called KerygmaFamily. It’s free! Log on at

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