
Sunday, July 4, 2010

Are Negative Emotions Causing You To Get Sick?

One day, a man had flu.
So he won’t spread his germs, his wife dropped his plate and utensils in boiling water.
Their 5 year old daughter saw this and asked, “What are you doing Mommy?”
“I’m boiling the dishes to kill Daddy’s germs,” she said.
The girl remained quiet. After awhile, she said, “I have an idea. Why not just boil Daddy and kill all his germs?”
We blame them for our sickness.
But that’s only partly true.
Our immune system is so terrific, it can fight almost all germs. But we get into trouble when our immune system gets weak. And one thing that causes it to weaken is our negative emotions.

The Shocking Truth

This blew my mind.
Studies show that 85% of all disease is rooted in our emotions.
That means that among the 17 million people who died of heart disease last year, and among the 7.2 million people who died of cancer last year, 85% of those diseases were rooted in their emotions.
Man! If only someone taught them to work on their emotions (not just on their bodies), some of them might still be alive today.
Here’s what I believe.
Most of our diseases are messages.
What message? Diseases are telling us that . . .

(To continue reading Bo's inspiring article, click here.)

PS. Yeheey, it’s my birthday this July 11! I’m excited. On my birthday, I launch my latest book, How To Build A Happy Family. I’ll also be launching a 7-month audio and video course called Relationship Reborn Program. It’ll rock your world. And with it, I’m also launching a FamilyReborn Club to help families grow more in love and unity. I know it’ll bless thousands of families, marriages, and parents! I’ll talk more about it next week. Watch for it…

PS2. Join my Virtual Community. Enjoy Daily Bible Reflections at KerygmaFamily plus a mountain of spiritual blessings. Go to now!

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