29 Simple Things You Can Do To Have A Fantastic 2011
No long article from me today.
This will be short.
My message today: The keys to success are simple. I believe that real genius lies in sticking to the simple.
Today, I’d like to “spoon feed” you.
I’d like to give you 29 simple things that you can do this year that will revolutionize your life.
If you do these 29 simple things, 2011 will be a blast.
1. Laugh with inspiring friends at least once a week or more
2. Have Mentors in the most important areas of your life
3. Walk 30 minutes a day
4. Use your talents for God by serving in a ministry
5. Invest 20% of your income every month
6. Read one inspiring book a month
7. Cut TV watching to the barest minimum (Zero is a good number)
8. Limit newspaper reading to 5 minutes or less a day
9. Take vacations often
10. Eat fruits for breakfast
11. Always have a salad for lunch and dinner
12. Start a business (or improve your business) this year
13. Always be grateful to God and others
14. Always live by your deepest values
15. Spend time with God everyday
16. Play with your kids at least once a day (If you don’t have any, borrow.)
Click here to read the full article >> http://bosanchez.ph/29-simple-things-you-can-do-to-have-a-fantastic-2011/
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